Fun while it lasted
-These game jam submissions are usually pretty good since they make you think outside the box to make games. Being able to only use arrows narrowed down the possibility of games quite a bit. Choosing a musical based game was probably the best choice as a platformer might have become tedious.
-The guy and girl were pretty well drawn up and all of the animations for the headbanging actions worked out well. The game is fun to play but with only so many songs comes so much gameplay. So after a while it does get a little boring. I will say that the song choices were really good for the type of game that you made though.
-The scoring system works well but doesn't penalize you much for mashing buttons instead of timing your presses. Overlapping arrows would sometimes both disappear after pressing the arrow once and makes it easier but i'm not sure if it was supposed to do that or if it's part of the proximity. Anyways it's a fun game but having the time constraint really hurt how good this game could have been.
-Review Request Club