Good RPG Sequel
Gameplay are basically the same, good retro RPG battles and explorations! Altought I really REALLY hate your new hand cursor... it so out of place in this game. You should have kept the crystal as cursor, not as scrolling highlighter. It make clicking with the mouse feel awkward. Replace the hand with crystal as in first chapter and just use the color bar as menu highlighter, it make thing simpler. Also, I hate the fact that I felt forced to use the keyboard buttons during battle instead of mouse, which made combats feel fresh and new beside using same old buttons and arrows. Also, I cannot highlight and read combat, enemies, and items information with mouse anymore, which forced me to use the arrow keys. Please bring back the full mouse control from Chapter 1, which is the best menu interaction.
I am slightly disappointed that you took us right to Mardek's future as adult immediately after his discovery of the spacecraft in Chapter 1. I want to see more of character development during their childhood or teenage years. Oh well... beggars can't be choosers. At least your plot are extremely engrossing and creative, which is slightly much better than Chapter 1 with so full of twists and heart-wrenching moments. Also, your villains at the ends are still so full of creativity and humor! I LOVE THAT!!! Keep that up, your villains are one of most unique in any games!