Wide variety of weapons
It really kept the flash entertaining.
Wide variety of weapons
It really kept the flash entertaining.
Thanks, One thing you'll notice from the other movie is that this time the weapons are drawn, and last time they were just little lines.
I can't sue you for the brain damage I just incurred, good flash though.
voted (: 5 :)
Well, I can give you an e-cookie if that helps?
Thanks man / women / asexual ^_^
Didn't expect a fiver ^^
That was funny
I thought the noxious gas was funny
It was pretty funny
Hope you continue the series
I definitely will. Thanks for the review :)
It wasn't that good
There wasn't much to this submission other than the marshmellow and grover talking. I also don't like cliffhangers where you want to watch what happens next because it leaves you at a point where something interesting is going to happen.
I'll put more story and lengthen the next one I make. I'll admit, I just got lazy on this one.
What happened to the girl?
He doesn't blow up the bus b/c of he obviously falls in love with that girl but he gets off and she's not there I thought he would follow up
Maybe yes, maybe not. The end of this story is for each other :)
I'm a pretty laid back person. Like some things about the new design but still like a lot of things from the old one :/
Age 33, Male
Asheville, NC
Joined on 6/30/07