-The instrumental combination of the guitar(s) and the drums in the background were aptly introduced in a usual way but the five or so seconds of delay on the guitar riffs made them seem more dramatic as they overpowered the drums. I noticed that the melody stayed a bit consistent during the lyrical part of the song to keep everything together in time. It was nice and helped put some umph into each line coming in.
-While the lyrics are well placed(delay thirty seconds to let the instruments get involved and being in the main lyrical progression at the beginning) there just aren't that many. Probably to keep the lines more compact and in line with the riffs but it would of been nice to see more lyrics in the storyline. A couple of lines sound like they are a bit rough when they are being sung and aren't consistently at the same volume.
-Like most heavy metal songs it's all about the guitars and the complexity of the riffs being played and how well they sound as they are being played. As soon as the lyrics ended was when this really started to show and I think you did a fine job with the riff progression in the end. Everything was going at quite the pace and intensity until you pulled up and slowed down to play out the finish.
-Review Request Club