-You've won! What is it that i've won? Inspiration silly! Well at least you've drummed up enough inspiration out of me to do my first review off of the lengthy list of requested submission that we have this time around in the Review Request Club. This song is much different from most of the stuff I listen to. It's really slow and a bit ambient but it caught me as something that's working in a different direction.
-The overall melody was very well put together. It was very free flowing and while it didn't change a whole lot throughout the duration of the song it was really fruity and cheerful. This gave it the driving force that I usually look for in a song. Something that really pushes the song forward and keeps you interested. I also found the sound to be of relatively good quality and helped me focus on the song better. It isn't the best i've heard so maybe some mastering might be in need here but it's not a requirement.
-Anywho i'm quite satisfied with the length of the song being over four minutes. It allowed you to have several buildups and incorporate the drums into the song nicely. The beginning stayed very stagnant for too long and could be shortened or brought in more percussion earlier to supplement it. The keyboard is one of the few instruments that can be really interesting by itself but it can always use some help here and there. I will have to say my favorite parts were the buildups into the cymbals(i've come to find out that I love the use of cymbals in instrumental only songs). It always sped up just a little bit and brought the main melody back in a resurgence. Everything, as I said earlier, was very free flowing and it progressed nicely throughout. Bringing you to the suttle ending where you brought everything to a close in a nice timely manner.
-It's not the best work i've seen but it gets it's points for originality. I'd much rather see interesting new music be made than the normal dance and techno that has really been flooding the portal lately. Just keep doing what you're doing and with time you will improve.
-Review Request Club