Good Morning Fine Sir
-You definitely do know how to name a tune accordingly and I like that for the OCD person inside of me. It's nice to see something fall in line with what it sounds like or close to what it sounds like. Plus it's a nice phrase unto itself.
-It does sound quite interesting and definitely doesn't pull stuff from one genre of music but several different kinds. It makes it very enjoyable to listen to for a wide variety of patrons that come by this song and as a result will definitely get you more listeners. While its best attribute by far is the joyous lighthearty feel to it that just makes you want to get up out of your seat and/or bed and do something.
-There isn't really that much to critique here seeing as how I really enjoy this song and I don't want to be too biased and let myself say that it is perfect. While changing everything up several times and seeming to be several songs smashed together at times. The song seemed to sound way better when it was free flowing as apposed to when it was more concise and structured.
-Review Request Club