Oh, fan :P
-Coming to this I first thought it was going to be about a fan that blows wind and I feel kind of silly for not thinking about the other fan possibility first. Some nice indie work and you've been coming along nicely I see. Cool to see that you aren't working solo anymore.
-I feel like a broken record saying that the guitar intro was sloppy but it can always be worked on in the future. When things calm down and the vocals come in it sounds much better and you have a nice mix of percussion in the background. I do quite enjoy the part that starts at 1:34 too and it's a nicely placed transition to give the song a boost. I'm going to assume that it's the chorus since it comes up again later too. But it's good :) For the most part the vocals come through clearly and are pronounced enough.
-Overall the structure of the song and lyrics fit well together. Just a nice blend of everything. Filled with many high and low points. Once of the better works i've heard from you. The beginning and end aren't customary but they give the song a nice edge of being on the spot and not pre-planned. Hope everything turns out well with the band.
-Review Request Club